Escape the common fate of hundreds of travelers denied entry every day.
Embark on your journey worry-free! Avoid unexpected entry denials and extra costs by securing your comprehensive international traveler background check now. Our trusted service provides the essential information you need for a seamless travel experience. Don't let uncertainties ruin your trip.
How it works
Secure Authentication:
Ensure a hassle-free process by passing a two-factor authentication via SMS or email. Your security is our priority, providing you with a seamless entry into the next steps.
Payment Submission:
Proceed with confidence by submitting your payment securely. We've streamlined this process to make it efficient and straightforward for you.
Personal Information:
Share the necessary personal information needed for the background check. Rest assured, your data is handled with utmost confidentiality and in compliance with privacy standards.
Receive Your Results:
Once all steps are completed, anticipate receiving your comprehensive background check results promptly. Be informed and travel confidently with the assurance of a smooth journey.
Global Denial Rate:
Did you know that on average, 5% of travelers face entry denials globally every year? Ensure you're not one of them by getting InterChecked today.
Traveler Costs:
Unexpected entry denials can lead to significant additional costs. In fact, travelers denied entry often incur an average cost of $984.00 per day due to rescheduling flights and accommodations.
Common Reasons for Denial:
Understanding the common reasons for entry denials is crucial. Statistics show that the top reasons vary by country. Make informed decisions to avoid such issues by getting InterChecked today.
We offer personalized options to suit your travel requirements, whether you seek a single-use service, multi-country arrangements, or a subscription tailored for frequent fliers, providing enhanced flexibility.
Basic Explorer
Our 1 country single use service.
InterChecked against 1 country.
Standard Identity Verification.
E-mailed report
Email support.
Our 5 country single use service.
InterChecked against 5 countries.
Standard Identity Verification.
E-mailed report
Email support.
Business Class
Our monthly automated service.
$169 / mo
InterChecked against ALL countries.
Comprehensive report delivered monthly.
Exclusive monthly travel discounts and offers.
24/7 365 Email Support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about InterChecked.
Why do countries run an international traveler background check?
How does the two-factor authentication process work?
Can I trust the security of my personal information during the background check process?
What payment methods are accepted for the background check service?
How long does it take to receive the background check results?
Are there any common reasons for entry denial that I should be aware of?
Can I use the background check results for multiple trips?
What happens if my background check reveals issues or discrepancies?
Is there a customer support team available to assist with any questions or concerns?
Can businesses or organizations use this service for their employees?
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